Lemon Theme Dinner

I love lemon – it is such a versatile flavor. It can be sweet or savory, it works in foods and drinks, and I always embrace the life saying about life throwing you lemons. It gives you such a much better take on things; focuses me on making the best of every situation. I really try to do this and encourage those around me to do the same. Anyhoo…

The lemon flavor theme started with my interest in using Pappardelle’s Lemon Parsley pasta. It developed from there!

Enter the veggies and lemon oil…asparagus and garden fresh cherry tomatoes tossed in lemon olive oil, lemon rosemary salt from San Francisco Salt Co, and roast til yummy!

The protein on the menu was salmon. I sprinkled the same salt generously and some fresh ground pepper on the skin,

Make sure you season the skin well if your plans are to crisp it up as the delicious, natural bed for the salmon. People sometimes skip the skin, I believe that they are missing out. But to each his own. Drizzle a little of the lemon oil, then place skin side down and sear, sear, sear.

Add a little of the salt and pepper on top to the fleshy side, once you’ve gotten a good crispy sear on the skin side, flip and cook just a little more to make sure the filet is cooked through. 

This was a delicious, light, lemony dish!! 

I paired it with a lemony drink too!!! A great Summer Shandy from Leinenkugel. This is a half beer, half lemonade kinda combo and it’s a great light summer beer. 


#salmon #asparagus #lemonoliveoil #seasalt #leinenkugel #flavoredpasta 

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